They say that the apple does NOT fall far from the tree! Well I sure can agree on that one!
Nicole is sooo damn stubborn, it's craaazy how a little baby who's not even 14 months old sticks to one thing soooooo much! Haha it kinda funny, but at the same time I'm thinking.. oh meeeen alot of drama is waiting ahead of us!
It's so fascinating to se that me and M created Nicole with pure love, and now were looking at a little charming person who got her eyes from her daddy, her lips from her mummy and personality that's cut in half mummy/daddy.
I don't understand people that say: oh when U get kids everything will be soooo much harder, you better travel and do your "fun" experience in life before you have children.
I mean... what the FUCK! I got a big sister that have succeeded in life WITH 2 children and adventure everything she want in life so for.
And everything is what you make of it right? Of course some things takes more time and needs more planning with children, but at the same time... I feel that now that I have a child I'm willing to work harder, fight even more and just being more positiv, if not for my self for my child!
Well, all I can say is that.. everything is possible.. don't let people crush your dreams. To be crushed is possible when you let somebody crush you... remember that! AND NOTHING WILL CRUSH MY DREAAAAAM WIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!
I just feel so much love right now.. for life.. for NICOLE!! Thank you Nicole, your my dream and my passion in life...always and for ever!