28 februari 2011

Todays activities

Today's painting lessons for Nicole from my beautiful cousin!!

Much Love, Nazanin!

What a day!!!

The day started with a doctors appointment that went verrrrry well! Then I thought I hade lost my phone, and I was devastated! The most important thing in my phone for me is all my pictures and videos of Nicole!

Then a got a phone call that made me so happy U can not imagine!

Other than that, my uncle is here with his family from Stockholm, and it's so grate to spend time with family! Some shopping have been done (show U later) and we also have decided what kind of floor we wanna have in the balcony, and it's gonna be a dark matt black/brown tile from Höganäs! I can't wait till the balcony is finished... floor, furniture, light, candle, some plants and just fabulous!!!!!

And I also ran into an old classmate of mine which was great! Were gonna have an reunion soon! So much fun :)))

Here is some red lips for U guys :P

Me and my two best makeup products, eyeliner and red lips!!!!

Much Love, Nazanin!

27 februari 2011


Sometimes you come to a certain point in your life were you make a choice!
I chose to separate different areas from each other in my life, some things should not mix. I also chose to accept difference. But most Important off all, I will get rid off all negativities, and the negative parts that I'm stuck with that I can't just take away by choice, I'll just try not to get attached to it.
This is the reason I love to blog, it's so nice to write down everything, it feels so good! Like a way to deal with stuff!
But remember that the good in life will beat the bad!

This is the most positive thing I can think of when ever I feel annoyed, sad or failed. My
Daughter. With her all nonsense will remain nonsense and I can just wash it off :)

Much Love, Nazanin!

26 februari 2011

This morning!

Morning walk with Linux!

Much love Nazanin

Funny kid

A couple of nights ago it was tapas night, and the person who enjoyed it the most was of course Nicole!!

She's a strange kid I'll tell ya, she loves sushi, sun dried tomatoes, olives, strong food, fresh ginger and so on! Of course were happy about it!!

Much Love, Nazanin!

25 februari 2011


Cozy Friday as the sweeds say! Tonight me, Nicole and my brother is sleeping at my parents house. Dinner and a movie and a big bed all for me and Nicole. M is out with the guys partying!

I hope you all will have a cozy Friday as well :)

Much Love, Nazanin!

I love you!

This is the reason for life, love and hope! Oh how life have changed since this angel came to us! When you have a baby you understand what's really important in life! Family is no 1 always! Can't even describe mu love for this little angel! I love you more that life!

Much Love, Nazanin!

23 februari 2011

Wrong choice of shoes!

As you can see it the snow is pounding up! And stupid me really chose the wrong shoes for today's weather!!! I'm at the doctors now ad trying to defrost my toes! The pain from freezing toes is really terrible!!
I hope atleast that now when the snow is here, we will have time to take Nicole out sledding!

Love, Nazanin!

22 februari 2011


Really? Snow now again?

Much Love, Nazanin!


I need some tips, good horror and comedy movies!! Anyone??

God morning

Me and Nicole are heading off to kindergarden now. It's another really cold morning here!

But it looks like the sun is coming out, oh I can only hope!

My favorite cereal, cherios!

Much Love, Nazanin!

21 februari 2011


Its so cold today, it feels like my nose is gonna freeze and fall off! I'm on my way home now, dropped Nicole off at kindergarden. I hate that she still can't change kindergarden. I have to travel so far to drop her off with bus, and back again. The system is Fucked up! They say that just because she already have a place at a kindergarden she is not a priority to change. But what the HELL! They are so fucking stupid that they don't understand that parents should have the right to have their children were it's near their home, that it's a pain in the ass to travel all this way to drop her off!

I can't waaaaaaaaaaaait till she changes kindergarden. Ahhhh!!

Much Love, Nazanin!

20 februari 2011


M went out and got sushi for us from this Japanese restauran called Minato just down our street. It was delicious! I have had cravings for sushi for such a long time now.
So I can gladly say that this was a good Sunday :) hose U had a great weekend as well!

Much Love, Nazanin!

No more clumsy clothes pls!

I don't mind the cold. I mean of course I rather (much much rather) have warm weather, but I'm so damn sick of all the clothes U have to wear just to go out of your door. And specially for Nicole with winter overall and all the clothes underneath. I love spring! Just live it! With the sun coming out, the flowers blooming, the fresh air and not to mention that I think you wear the nicest clothes on spring! Oh I miss it like crazy! Please give me spring and burn up my winter jacket.

Much better than a winter jacket!

Much Love, Nazanin!

It's wonderful

I'm enjoying this beautiful sunset outside right now

Much Love, Nazanin!

Lovley morning

It's a beautiful morning, cold as hell but no wind and the sun is coming out. But the most important thing is that my day off remains that way!!!!
Now were getting ready to head off to Ikea with my parents!

Me and M's brother at their sisters PhD party.

Much Love, Nazanin!

The "war"

The constant issue at our place is the silent war between Nicole and Linux.

The thing is that Linux have (I think) reached a age were he is not so playful like he were before. So this means that Nicole goes to Linux all the time and she really wants to play with him, and Linux is like an old man who complains all the time. This leads to that Nicole gets really irritated and wants to "punish" Linux for ignoring her. Then she gets on his nerves, and then the circus is on!!! She runs after him, he runs
for his life and so on!!! And if he walks pass her she gives him a little spank on the back, hahaha! She's crazy and his an old fart!
But, when nobody is watching they can tolerate each other and show their love for each other.

She loves sitting with him in his basket.

Much Love, Nazanin!


Nature creates the most beautiful things that we can see and experience. Just look at the colors that looks like it's painted on outside the leaves on this tulip!

Much Love, Nazanin!


This one is on the house, from me to You! Hihi!

Much Love, Nazanin!

Hanging with my "bros"

After a hard day of working, I came home to my baby girl, oh men did I miss her!! I even always wipe away my red lipstick before I come home so I can kiss her like crazy :)

So after a trip to Icamaxi and some unhealthy shopping we came home with a tired lil Nic. After struggling with getting her into bed we got the best company from my brother and M's brother. So now it's time to see rec II.

Much Love, Nazanin!

19 februari 2011

@ work

Welllllllllllll!!! This was suppose to be my weekend off, but nooooooo!! As U can see I'm at work and all my plans are distroid!! :((((( It sucks big time. And the weather is just soooo nice! Well, what to do!?

It suckeli suck sucks!!!!!!

But I can show U some pics while I'm here

Much Love, Nazanin!

18 februari 2011


So the nurse said that I have to go to the doctor, because my headache is getting a little , hmm.. not normal.
So next week I will go and run some tests and get a physical exam!

Ohhh I feel so tired and boring. I better get to work fast so I can put some makeup on and feel at least a little better! Makeup is the shit I'm telling you! Whenever U look in the mirror and feel like crap, put some makeup on and instantly you will feel better, if U already have allot of makeup on and still feel/look like crap, well then I can't help U, Ur just having a crappy day!

Much Love, Nazanin!

17 februari 2011


What's up with the fact that nobody is commenting???

Much Love, Nazanin!


The benefits of being sick and at the same time having a great mother is that she will come to your house and pamper you while U are recovering!
Could not ask for a "better" sick day! Tomorrow I will have an early start, leaving Nicole at kindergarden, the nurse appointment and then..... WOOoOOOoORK!!! I'm alone in the makeup tomorrow so I hope it won't be a disaster day and I hope the customers won't be a big pain in the anus!!!

Nighty night!

Much Love, Nazanin!


Today I faced on of my deamons, and I feel so relieved!!!! And the worst thing is that it was just a call to a particular person! And now it's done and I'm soooooooooooo happy that's over!
And now if U excuse me I'm going back to my AWFUL headache!! I called the doctor and I got an appointment with a nurce, and if it's not my bloodpressure theeeeen I can see a doctor!! Yawn!!

16 februari 2011

Such PAIN!!!

I have such a headache I feel like my head is gonna explode! This headache have been going on for a while now so tomorrow I have to go to the doctor. And no damn pill helps my headache!! :(((
This is a winy post, sometimes U have to have one of those to!!

This will be my consolation till now ;) condensed milk with tea!

Much Love, Nazanin!

It's toooo early!!!!

Oh meeeeen!!! For 3 days now Nicole have been waking up around five, six in the morning. But she falls asleep after a hour or so, but NOT today!!! I'm soooooooooooo tired!!! And now that she is going to kindergarden she wanna sleep!!

When I come back home after leaving Nicole at kindergarden I'm gonna sleep untill it's work time!!!!!

Much Love, Nazanin!

15 februari 2011

@ work

The view from were I'm standing at work, I can see our building :)

It's a big tease though!!

Much Love, Nazanin!


Me and M are hoooocked!!
The tv series the reaper! It's soooo damn good. About a guy who's the devils bouty hunter, haha how about that! I love watching series and movies, I think I could sit on the sofa and watch those things for a whole day, but hey, I have a kid... And a life for that matters!

Much Love, Nazanin!

14 februari 2011


After a great weekend and spending allots of time with my little family, it's a little exhausting to stand up for a whole day and do makeup and hair styling! 2 more hours to go, then off home!
It's a damn good thing that I live close by!

Here is a funny thing a saw on a wall here in Malmö.

Much Love, Nazanin!

The best things in life

One of mine and M's biggest passion in life is cooking! We just looooove it! Were both good at it to, but lately M is getting a head sprung that bastard! He is so good at knowing witch flavor goes with what.
Sometimes we even argue about who's gonna make the dinner, hahaha!
Yesterday we made the most incredible lasagna together! Red wine and garlic in the meetsauce and lots of lots of mozzarella, and just to layers of pasta! YUMMY!!! U guys missed out, I'm telling you!

I just LOVE cooking, it's so soothing!

And now for lunch, fish with vegetables in a delicious lemon sauce. Bon apetit!

Much Love, Nazanin!

13 februari 2011

Nap time

The sweetest nap is the ones when our little rascal Nicole falls asleep in mums arms!

Much Love, Nazanin!


Just love our new home, with all it's belongings :)

Much Love, Nazanin!

Heaven in a bowl

M's homemade chocolate sauce with ice-cream is by far the craziest most enjoyable desert U can have! And obviously I have to drown my ice-cream in chocolate sauce!!

Much Love, Nazanin!


Yesterday was wonderful!
The sun finally payed us a visit!
Unfortunately M had to work for a couple of hours. But me, my mum, my brother, Nicole and Linux went out and just had a cozy day here in Bo01.

Then later at night Negar and her fiance Farzad came over for dinner. We had the best time (we missed U Monireh). Coctails, great food and laughing and having fun all night :)

Much Love, Nazanin!

12 februari 2011


Made the tastiest and most simple pasta for lunch today.
Some fried chicken, boiled pasta, then mix it all in a pan or wok witch fresh mozzarella, roasted garlic, sun dried tomatoes, a dash of cream and tomato sauce. Then stir untill the fresh mozzarella melts, serve with alot of grated parmesan! The most simple thing and it was so damn tasty!


Much Love, Nazanin!


I just wanna say that I love my blog so much!!

Today, if little sick Nicole will let us, were gonna take a walk outside and enjoy the sun, although It's freaking cold!!!

Oh meeeen It's easy to blog from my iphone :))))) love it!!

This is real!

The most beautiful picture!

Much Love, Nazanin!

The best compliment

Today the funniest thing happend when I was at Icamaxi.
I was buying a redbull, and tje cashier asked for ID, as in: are you over 18 ID! And first I looked behind me to se if she was talking to somebody else, and when I saw that nobody was there I just looked at her as if she was Crazy, or like I was Crazy. But after a while I actually realised that she was NOT kidding. I told her that she just gave me the biggest compliment!!!! How about that haaaaaaaa???
Observe, I was not wearing any makeup!!!

And on top of that I found my favorite sallad thats made of seagrass and algaes that apperenlty they have been starting to sell at Icamaxi in Bo01.

It's a good day at Bo01 :)

Now Im gonna watch some futurama untill I fall asleep!!

Nighty night!

Much Love, Nazanin!