This is something that have made my kitchen much more organized and keeps my kitchen much cleaner. All these "tools" are from ikea. The price is cheap and worth every "penny". Just LOVE IT!!!! Once you go organisation freak you never go back:)
30 juni 2012
29 juni 2012
I actually love the fact that after 9,5 years I still wanna look good, sensual and sexy for my husband. When ever I put on something nice or put on my eyeliner and lipstick I imagine that when he looks at me he will give me that look, that look where I can see he desires me. I hope we will never loose that.
pimp my bugaboo
We own two bugaboos. We did not sell one if them (the older model) because we thought it can come handy if we ever want to go out with to separate trolleys at the same time now that were about to become two children parents:). And I have to say that I absolutely love and adore bugaboo. The best trolley there is in my opinion. You can change small parts that breaks, and "pimp" up your troll with different colors so easily. We have like five different colors to switch between and it's really fun actually. So with the new baby we have a new off white top for the bugaboo. Bugaboo often comes out with limited edition colors. A while ago I saw this one... blue chassi and orange rhymes on the wheels. I thought that this was the ugliest color they ever came out with. And today I got to really try out their bugaboo donkey, which is their twin trolly. WOW...I really recommend that one if you ha e a small child and another one on the way.
on of my favourite things.... to open up the windows in the balcony and sit there in quite with A couple of magazines and news paper. So relaxing and nice, specially with the outside "noise". Just love it!! And no I'm not being ironic, I love the fact that we don't live so high up and I love it even MORE that there are so many people here at summer time, taking walks, barbequing, enjoying the view and sunset at night and swimming. Even though I'm not a big fan of seagulls I actually enjoy the sound of them. It just gives me such a "ocean" feeling. Except 4 in the morning, then they sound like a bunch of monkeys going wild. Then at winter time it's totally opposite, white, calm and quit. Just live it!!!
28 juni 2012
Yeah baby
For the first time in days today I did not feel like somebody had fly kicked me in my uterus and between my legs with military boots. So that meant a day well spent. First me and Nicole had our nails and toes done and the same color, then some playtime with her cousins Martin, Natalie and Donya who's visiting from Stockholm. Later me, M, Nicole and my other baby cousin Dani( Donyas older brother) went to town for some stuff we had to do and a niiiiice steak dinner at Mando followed by 2 BIG scoops of icecream at Rönneholms glass. Now I'm sitting on the couch in a coma. Soooo nice to not be in pain for a change. So I have to celebrate that with some ballerina cookies;)
26 juni 2012
Rasberry leaf-tea, hokus pokus????
Text taken from babycentre: Raspberry leaf tea is thought to tone the muscles of your uterus (womb) to help it work better during labour. The idea is not so much to speed up your labour, but to help it to progress at a nice, steady pace. Because raspberry leaf tea takes several weeks to accumulate in your body, it won't work to bring on labour if you are overdue.
So folks...let's hope with every bone in my body that this will have an impact when the day comes that baby girl is gonna come out!! Fingers and toes crossed!
I'm alive
Hello! I'm still alive, still pregnant... and very much so!
The only thing I can think about is a nice vacation. As soon as our baby girl decides to come to us and as soon as were on our feet (3,4 months after birth) we just HAVE TO go on a vacation for a week somewhere we can just lay in the sun, get all salty from the sea then cool off in the pool... and least but not last, feel sand between our toes!
The picture is taken when me and M were in the Canaries one year before Nicole were born. We found a golden little beach with turcose water and white silk sand. A place hidden only 20 minutes walking from our hotel. A place with no Scandinavian turists, a place where the Spanish people from main land cane to visit. It was just wonderful!!!
21 juni 2012
super women
So now I've almost reached week 34 in my pregnancy. And in just five days I've been to the hospital twice because of premature labour pain. Last night they said that because I've reached week 34 they don't do anything to prevent a premature birth. So just "hang in there". Strict orders about resting, but that's really not so easy when you have a baby girl who's 3 years old, a dog and just a habit to HAVE TO HAVE a clean home. And it hurts anyway when I rest so....??? Sick and tired of this with other words. Sometimes I feel like a really bad mother for complaining about my pregnancy, but I have to tell my self all the time that my pregnancy is not our baby. It's so typical us mother's to feel a constant need to be the best or at least VERY GOOD at everything, specially when it comes to our family. We have to stay strong in all situations, pretend that we are happy ALL the time. We LOVE taking care of our family, even if it means doing everything by your self. And on top of that taking care of our selfs. Going to the gym, wax every hair no man wants to se, put on makeup, wear proper clothes and not mope!! You know what....FUCK THAT SHIT!!!! I'm no fucking robot, I'm not a stepford wife and I know for sure that I will never be happy if I pretend!!! If you recognise your self in more than 80% of the words your just red, then I suggest you start thinking a little more about what's REAL in your life, and not the pretend part. Here's my reality. Me and my husband fight from time to time, so far we have managed to patch it together. Sometimes I don't shave my legs for two three weeks. I think it's fucking bullshit that women have to suffer so much making a family while our men thinks that a slap in the balls can be compared to child labour!!!!!!! A super women is only what your own definition of super is. So if your definition of super is really wicked and unreachable then I suggest you change your own way of thinking to start with. Then you'll will be super!!!
18 juni 2012
royal breakfast
Sleep over at mother in law. That means family time and once again great Persian food and a top notch breakfast
15 juni 2012
Let's be positive!!!
As some of you know I've had a terrible fear of giving birth this time around. So bad that I can lay awake for hours at night and think: how the HELL am I gonna do this???? At some point I even considered cesarean. Thank God I ruled out that option pretty quickly. So my midwife sent me to a group they have in the hospital for women with fear of birth, or those who want to have cesarean, because in Sweden that's not a choice you make your self, the state have to decide if your fare is that bad that you have to have an cesarean instead of giving birth naturally. And that is after months of sessions with physiologists and doctors. So anyway, I went there yesterday and WOW that was great. It was miraculously good! In so much calmer right now and by fear is not even that bad anymore. Apparently they had made some mistakes last time when I gave birth. Mistakes like: wanting me to try walk around when I was in such pain after so many hours. That they did not tell me to take epidural when I came in the second time. Letting me suffer so damn much. That no one helped me in the right way to show how to breast feed after birth, which resulted in me suffering so much when I breast fed my child. At two points she even apologized for her colleagues. So now she made a long list of ORDERS on how they should take care of me when I come in. Imagine that they actually can do that. Man it feels great!!!
And today I went for my regular control at my midwife. She said that the baby's head is REALLY far down, so I really have to watch my self. Bed rest and no physical afford. That sucks BIG TIME! so now it's just time to shut my legs real tight and hope for the best!
But mentally, I feel SOOOOO much better. And I'm much more positive now!! I really want this experience to be wonderful!
14 juni 2012
friiiiied chicken!!!!
I'm not a huge soccer fan, but when it comes to the big games it's really fun to gather around and act like crazy fans. A couple of days ago it was Sweden's first soccer game in EM. So we loaded up with food and beer (none alcoholic for me) and cheered our asses off... unfortunate Sweden lost:(((
But I can give you a tip for fast food you make at home.
Old El Paso have a chicken crust powder that you poor in a bag with a little oil and add chicken. Just shake it a little bit and in the oven. Make some fries with that in some fresh oil, some veggies and different sauces on the table. The photo of the bearnaise sauce container is to show the brand. That one is realllllly nice if you don't want to make your own from the scratch.
9 juni 2012
This is BULLSHIT!!!
Yesterday I feelt like SHIT and I looked like CRAP!!! I kinda wanted to cry, and I don't even know why. I was not sad, just pissed...and believe me when I say I had absolutely nothing to be pissed about. I was home for to days with sick Nicole as well so I really tried to control my self in front of her. I know there's been allot of complaining from my side lately, but seriously.... if this baby goes as much as one day over due time, I will go to the hospital and tell them that if they don't help me to get the labour start I will become mentally ill!!! Or maybe I will rip of the head of somebody randomly!! That'll help, don't you think???
7 juni 2012
National day!
Yesterday was the national day of Sweden. Something you could not exactly notice so much! It's a big shame that in this country they don't make a big whohoo about stuff like this. Sometimes it feels like the Swedish people are afraid to be mistaken for racists if they show their patriot side. That is outrageous!! But for not so many years ago the ones who spoke proudly and loud about Sweden often spoke about keeping Sweden "swedish" as well. So why not change this horrible thing? We can only start with our selves. And the biggest change is that we should not judge, we should lift up the wonderful people who have the guts to speak proudly about their country Sweden, compliment the homes who proudly hang up the Swedish flag outside their home. Show everybody else that there is a big ass different between racists and just loving your country. Take that love and pride away from ignorant judjemental people, like racist.
Yesterday should have been a day where everybody was dressed in yellow and blue and running around the streets happy celebrating!!!
5 juni 2012
hormonal bitch!
That's my new name. Yepp!!! I'm really not bad as long as you don't step on my hormones!!! But if you do there is a risk I act out. And it ain't pretty. That's the thing with pregnancy. If I'm feeling happy it multiples, and the down side is that if I get angry or sad it also multiples.
The other day M and our friend Amir went to buy some stuff from the store. And I specifically asked for xubi soda, lollipops with CLEAR color and fruity flavour and no chewing gum lollipops. So of course he came home with no xubi and big as chewing gum lollipops. So I moped like a big ass baby and told him that he never listens to me and bla bla bla. So after five minutes he disappeared. The poor thing went all alone to the store again in pooooring rain and baught me my lollipops and my xubi. You think a was ashamed or WHAT when he came back?! He just said: I should have listened. I didn't want you to be sad...and frankly I did not wanna hear you nag anymore honey!
3 juni 2012
Time to start opening my eyes and start thinking with my brain.
Once somebody told me: always think with my heart and fight, after all... is that not what I want to teach my children. And my response were that if I want my children to be heartbroken then I should set that example for them by thinking with my heart and never with my brain.
1 juni 2012
my chilly recipe
So here's my version of a nice chilly.
Fry a chopped union. Then fry some small chopped smoked bacon in the union. Add minced beef and add spices. I used BBQ spice, salt, little cumin, chilli curcuma (gurkmeja). Use what ever you like. The chop some red paprika and fry it with the meet. When the meet is a little brown in with tinned tomato, baked beans in tomato sauce and corn. Add very little tomato puree a tablespoons ketchup and as much chilli powder/sauce or fresh chilli as you like. Then let it boil for about an hour, taste for salt and serve with a nice piece if bread. You can also serve with rise and a klick creme freiche/sour creme if you like.
We finished the meal with a nice rhubarb/ apple pie with a nice cold vanilla custard.