It's gonna be fun to go back to work, but not so fun to leave Nicole =(
It has been difficult for me to accept that my sweet baby is going to kindergarden soon and we are no longer gonna spend all day long together! It has been SO DIFFICULT!!!!! But hey... I'm gonna try to be positive! NOT!!!!... MY GOD... don't wanna leave her =(((((
Oki... now I have to chill the fuck down and accept that soon I will be in turning torso doing my thing and Nicole will be at kindergarden hopefully very happy and playing with other kids!
Maybe soon we will become millionares and I don't have to have a fulltime job =)
i assume Kommentarer means comment.... hone, you have done a great job at being home with her for a year and she will cherish your bond... got to let them grow up and it will be all good.
SvaraRaderanow where is the send comment button....
;) x
I know sweety! How fun that you have started your own blog..yippiiii