The thoughts that go through my mind at LEAST once a day is giving birth!!! Oh maaan!!!! The first time with Nicole was so horrible, more than 28 hours of constant suffering. I know there are alot of women who had it worse, but hey this is my blog and today I feel like sharing my thoughts and experience (nagging with other words).
But hey, last time I thought I was a Viking or something, because I realllly wanted to do it without any drugs or so. What a total jackass I were. I mean.... What the HELL is the deal with us women and the need to suffer?? What are we trying to prove? Long story short, after 25 hours I was passed out by the pain and the doctors gave M an ultimatum. Either epidural or caesarian. After getting the epidural that I can't even remember getting (can't remember anything after the 15:th hour) I slept one hour then I was without pain, until it was time. So here's the thing. WHY WHY WHYYYYY the FUCK did I not take epidural from the beginning?
This time I'm getting something for the pain RIGHT away!! I'm gonna go in screaming: give me epidural NOW or I won't do this!!!! Let's just hope I have not passed the limit of getting epidural by the time in in the hospital. Or the other option is that I hope I give birth 5 minutes after I get to the hospital :))) nice plan ha? Just because I want all that this baby is probably gonna take 48 hours and no drug will help me, if I know my luck.
My hole stomach flip when I think about giving birth again. No happy feelings, just allot of wanting to throw up and a tad of stomach ace that gives you diarrhea! Nice ha?
It was nice getting that off my system :)
Much Love, Nazanin!
29 mars 2012
26 mars 2012
Strike a pose

Today when me and Nic were out on a walk with Linux I said to her: Nicole stand still I'm gonna take a picture and send it to daddy. Then she just started to pose and got stuck on this one and just stood like this until I was done with the picture. Afterwords I laughed really hard, and she just continued her walk!!!
Hahaha!! Sometimes I wonder!!!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
Join the circus!
Yesterday I took the kids to the circus. First we were greeted by animal rights group outside who do not think that you should have animals in the circus acts! I can actually understand that. I mean now that your all grown up and do not find a dancing pony amusing I totally get where they are coming from!!
But when I sat there, all I could think of was... What a life, the circus life. I hope they looove what they do, otherwise it probably sucks pretty much.
Almost every act were made by a family, mother father child, brothers, sisters and so on. What makes you wanna join the circus? Well, I guess the joy of expressing your feelings through your own art. Or at least I hope so.
But the phrase: let's run away and join the circus was stuck in my head the entire time!!!!

Much Love, Nazanin!
But when I sat there, all I could think of was... What a life, the circus life. I hope they looove what they do, otherwise it probably sucks pretty much.
Almost every act were made by a family, mother father child, brothers, sisters and so on. What makes you wanna join the circus? Well, I guess the joy of expressing your feelings through your own art. Or at least I hope so.
But the phrase: let's run away and join the circus was stuck in my head the entire time!!!!

Much Love, Nazanin!
25 mars 2012
Get together!
It's nights like these you just love to cook for your family and enjoy them in to the last inch!
M's famous Thai food were served with and exotic fruit salad to finish it of! We talked about old memories and laughed at all the crazy stuff each and one of us done in the past! The only person missing was my other sister Gita who's in Dubai!

Much Love, Nazanin!
M's famous Thai food were served with and exotic fruit salad to finish it of! We talked about old memories and laughed at all the crazy stuff each and one of us done in the past! The only person missing was my other sister Gita who's in Dubai!

Much Love, Nazanin!
24 mars 2012
M's sister is here visiting us from Stockholm. It's really nice to have her here and me and her have been spending allot of time together! The weather have been perfect and so have the activities. Walk outside, lunch outside, dinners at our place, playing games and just enjoying our selfs as much as we can! Our lunch on Thursday were spent at Vespa in västra hamnen. The pizza at that place is good if you like reaaaally thin pizza. I quite enjoy it. But the pasta I had for lunch, hmmmm... It was not horrible but the ravioli with "four cheese inside" was so tasteless. The fresh pasta we buy from Iva maxi with filling for 29:- taste more and better. The tomato sauce that is was bathing in seriously just tasted tin tomato that they had heated up!! Thank god for the Parmesan at the top!!! So not to recommend with other words!!! But we had a blast anyway!

Ohhh, and this week that passed I witnessed the first barbecue outside for his season!!! I have to tell you, that made me happy and gave me enormous hope for some sun :) I just had to take a sneak picture at them, because they were so quite barbecuing up on the hill. Of course I had to take a pic just when a hundred birds flew above them

Much Love, Nazanin!

Ohhh, and this week that passed I witnessed the first barbecue outside for his season!!! I have to tell you, that made me happy and gave me enormous hope for some sun :) I just had to take a sneak picture at them, because they were so quite barbecuing up on the hill. Of course I had to take a pic just when a hundred birds flew above them

Much Love, Nazanin!
Just love it
21 mars 2012
Is there more to it?
Sometimes I think about stuff like: what if I totally change my work path, what if I would start doing something else, what if I would do stuff that I always wanted to try.. like acting classes or writing something meaningful! I don't know! Sometimes I feel I need some time to figure out if my thoughts are things I really want to do or just a passion in the moment. We'll see!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
Much Love, Nazanin!
19 mars 2012
2 days ago I was sitting in the central station and reading the news paper. Then I came across the article about the school children in Belgium that died when their buss drove in to a wall in a tunnel. I had to control my self so I would not burst in to tears in front of everybody inside the busy central station. At the same time a was reading that I could not stop getting mental images from children that were shot down and tortured in Syria! Or the image of the body, or a peace of black burned infant in Palestine. My pain were equally for all those children. Nobody's death is less sad than anybody else's! Rich, poor, war, accidents... It doesn't matter. Because there will always be a mother, father, sister, brother, friend, teacher or somebody who's in a trumendes pain for that poor baby! And I don't think that one persons pain is less than another because of your life situation. But I DO hope that people will be more aware and share just as much tears and try to make a change for the children/people in places were they are suffering just because they "live in the wrong country" as they do when there is a big big 4 page article about terrible accidents.
Awareness is the first step to change I believe!
Much Love, Nazanin!
Much Love, Nazanin!
Awareness is the first step to change I believe!
Much Love, Nazanin!
Much Love, Nazanin!
17 mars 2012
Productive day!
Yesterday was productive, at least in the "having fun" kinda way :)
First stop was a lunch with M's little brother in the beautiful warm weather, wow it was soooo nice! Then I went with Natalie and picked up Nicole. Home with them and we started to bake. Then we ended the night with dinner at my sisters place, food "straight from" India :) this lovely dinner that my sister made did we enjoy with family! A perfect ending on a Friday if you ask me!

This time a took my friend Saminas advise and made the mud cake with one more egg and some strong coffe in it! Served with whipped sour cream and fresh raspberries in the sour cream and some fresh chopped pineapple!
Much Love, Nazanin!
First stop was a lunch with M's little brother in the beautiful warm weather, wow it was soooo nice! Then I went with Natalie and picked up Nicole. Home with them and we started to bake. Then we ended the night with dinner at my sisters place, food "straight from" India :) this lovely dinner that my sister made did we enjoy with family! A perfect ending on a Friday if you ask me!

This time a took my friend Saminas advise and made the mud cake with one more egg and some strong coffe in it! Served with whipped sour cream and fresh raspberries in the sour cream and some fresh chopped pineapple!
Much Love, Nazanin!
16 mars 2012
Mommy love!
My weather report!

This flag is my daily wind report. I look outside my window and look at this flag and see how windy it is! This one tells the truth I'll tell you!
These are pictures from 2 days ago. The sun was up, no wind and I could not want summer more than I wanted that day! Even the water looked appealing!

Much Love, Nazanin!
15 mars 2012
Is this for real?

I get that everybody have the right to look how ever they want and so on. But SERIOUSLY!!!! This is really weird! Look at this picture and tell me, is this what we want to show young girls?? After looking at this picture I dont think anybody who is not this skinny will think that they will look good in these pants!!
I mean we can open minded criticize overweight people in our society without feeling ashamed about it, because it IS unhealthy to be overweight. So why not point out this unhealthy skinny picture?
I get that it's probably very retouched, but that's exactly the point! Why retouch it like this?
I think my daughter have a bigger size in pants than her, and she will turn 3 this summer.
I just don't get it! Is this beautiful? Is this healthy? And most important of all, is this for real?
As a mother and a WOMAN I can just try my best to teach my children that they never have to fall for these norms.
Much Love, Nazanin!
Much Love, Nazanin!
13 mars 2012
Today I feel better!! But my ribs hurt sooo bad after all the throwing up!! I'm trying to lay in the couch and watch the big bang theory but it's so hard becouce everytime I laugh it looks like I'm having a stroke or something!!
The baby is getting bigger in my stomach :) I can feel the kicks with my hand now!
Now back to resting so I can maybe join the rest of the little family for some outside activities tonight at the fire "party", charchabeh soori, as it's called
In Farsi.
Much Love, Nazanin!
The baby is getting bigger in my stomach :) I can feel the kicks with my hand now!
Now back to resting so I can maybe join the rest of the little family for some outside activities tonight at the fire "party", charchabeh soori, as it's called
In Farsi.
Much Love, Nazanin!
12 mars 2012
Sick sick sick!!!
I think I've cough the stomach flu or I've been food poisoned.
I can't even drink a teaspoon water without throwing it up!!!! This truly sucks! And poor M has been up literally ALL night for me, maybe 2 hours sleep, then up to leave Nic to kindergarden and they both will come home late to a sick wife/mum!! Nice!
When I talked to the doctor she said that it does not effect the pregnancy. That was good news!!!
Hope to leave a better post next time!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
I can't even drink a teaspoon water without throwing it up!!!! This truly sucks! And poor M has been up literally ALL night for me, maybe 2 hours sleep, then up to leave Nic to kindergarden and they both will come home late to a sick wife/mum!! Nice!
When I talked to the doctor she said that it does not effect the pregnancy. That was good news!!!
Hope to leave a better post next time!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
10 mars 2012
So this is obviously turning in to a food blog, but who cares!!! Cooking and baking is something that is so close to my heart!!
Paulina is M's little brothers girlfriend! She was going on and oooon about this dinner party she's attending tonight and that her friend make the most delicious mud cake. So all I could think about after she left was a damn mud cake!
I usually don't bake mud cake, but now I had no choice! This is a very good recipe, the cake stays very mud like inside and crispy in the top. My mistake here was that my baking form
Was to big so the cake became a little thin, but really tasty and juicy anyway.
2 eggs
2,5 dl sugar
4 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 dl flower
100 gram butter
Put your oven on 175 Celsius
Melt the butter
Whip together eggs and sugar really good
Then poor in all the other ingredients but blend slowly and gentle. The take a ovenform, butter it up and breaded. Then in with the cake for 10-15 minutes depending on how "muddy" you want it!

Yummy yummy!!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
Paulina is M's little brothers girlfriend! She was going on and oooon about this dinner party she's attending tonight and that her friend make the most delicious mud cake. So all I could think about after she left was a damn mud cake!
I usually don't bake mud cake, but now I had no choice! This is a very good recipe, the cake stays very mud like inside and crispy in the top. My mistake here was that my baking form
Was to big so the cake became a little thin, but really tasty and juicy anyway.
2 eggs
2,5 dl sugar
4 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 dl flower
100 gram butter
Put your oven on 175 Celsius
Melt the butter
Whip together eggs and sugar really good
Then poor in all the other ingredients but blend slowly and gentle. The take a ovenform, butter it up and breaded. Then in with the cake for 10-15 minutes depending on how "muddy" you want it!

Yummy yummy!!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
8 mars 2012
Were to buy fresh fish!
A tip to all the fish eaters out there. There's a fish stand/tiny winy market right next to Tekniska museet in Malmö. My parent have been buying fish there for soooo many years and now me and M!! Fresh tasty fish with very good prices!!!! And it's such a cozy ace there. Try it you won't be sorry :)

Much Love, Nazanin!

Much Love, Nazanin!
7 mars 2012
Scones recipe

These turned out sooo good. And it's without milk.
8 dl flower
0,5 teaspoon Salt
1,5 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon sugar
150 g cold butter
2 dl water
And as usual eix the dry ingredients together and the wet once separately. Mix the butter in the dry and then add the wet. In the oven, 250 Celsius for about 10-15 minutes
Enjoy with butter, cream cheese, jam or what ever you prefer. Much Love, Nazanin!
6 mars 2012
Oh man what I would do to have a nice glass of red wine!!! And a guiness to while we're at it!!
I chose not to drink alcohol during pregnancy, so there why wanting what I can't have.
Last time a was pregnant M promised me that when I wanted to start drink alcohol again he was going to take me out to dinner and we were gonna eat oysters and drink champagne. That didn't happen!!!!!!!!!!
So this time, I hope he will keep his promiss and spoil me like a snotty brat with a night out on town :D
Much Love, Nazanin!
I chose not to drink alcohol during pregnancy, so there why wanting what I can't have.
Last time a was pregnant M promised me that when I wanted to start drink alcohol again he was going to take me out to dinner and we were gonna eat oysters and drink champagne. That didn't happen!!!!!!!!!!
So this time, I hope he will keep his promiss and spoil me like a snotty brat with a night out on town :D
Much Love, Nazanin!
Something to think about
Read this and I felt like sharing it, because it's so true, I mean sadly it's true!
We buy things we don't need
with money we don't have
to impress people we don't like
There's something to think about!!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
We buy things we don't need
with money we don't have
to impress people we don't like
There's something to think about!!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
5 mars 2012
M's homemade schnitzel
Don't think that I wanna brag about my man and that I think he is better that everybody else, well in my world he is the best man or else it would not be so wise so to choose a life with him. Believe me he can be an in annoying prick very often to ;)
But his cooking is something I can gladly brag about!
Here's his homemade schnitzel! And it was freaking lovely, thank U hun!

And we finished the day with lovely company and my brothers dessert

Much Love, Nazanin!
But his cooking is something I can gladly brag about!
Here's his homemade schnitzel! And it was freaking lovely, thank U hun!

And we finished the day with lovely company and my brothers dessert

Much Love, Nazanin!
You guys must think that all we do is eat, and then eat some more!! Well it's not ALL we do, we do some other stuff to. But with Nicole sick at home and after a while you get bored cooking and baking is a good way to spend your time with!!
A tip for the bakers. Don't fill your muffin with to much apple pieces (ok that sounded a little nasty) if your gonna bake them in these Teflon baking oven forms. Use cupcake paper forms.
I could barely get up a whole muffin without totally destroying it!

Me and Nic baking!

Much Love, Nazanin!
A tip for the bakers. Don't fill your muffin with to much apple pieces (ok that sounded a little nasty) if your gonna bake them in these Teflon baking oven forms. Use cupcake paper forms.
I could barely get up a whole muffin without totally destroying it!

Me and Nic baking!

Much Love, Nazanin!
3 mars 2012

Look at this lovely beautiful Saturday! What I would give to spend the whole day outside in this sunny weather! But M is working and Nicole is getting worse again!! This must sound pathetic, the only one who's complaining is the healthy one who have a free day!! Ironic ha???
Well see! A walk outside later on with The dog and Nicole is a must!!!
I hope everybody will enjoy this day outdoor!!!
Much Love, Nazanin!
Last nights ziti
I'm not so exact with measures but you probably get it.
First you make your tomato sauce.
I made alots of ziti, so if you want you can just half the recipe and it will be good for about 3-4 people.
Heat up the olive oil, put your garlic in it until it gets golden. Then in with 2 tablespoons of tomato purée. After 3-4 minutes 2 cans of tin tomato (krossad tomatburk), red wine, salt, pepper, sugar and basil (if you like). This should cook on low heat for at least one hour, LOW temperature.
Then you fry your meatballs. Homemade, you can also buy fresh raw meatballs. I used about 800 gram meatballs

Then put the meatballs in the tomato sauce and let it cook for about an hour. Low temperature!

You can use different pasta, like penne, ziti or what ever. That shape! We used Sedani from the brand Zeta. I used 2 boxes

Boil in in salty water with olive oil. Drain it when it's very aldente.

Then you mix a little more than half of the pasta with half of the tomato meatball sauce and about a hand full of grated Parmesan.

In with it in a oven form, then you take ricotta and grated mozzarella and poor on the pasta meatball in the oven form.

After that you put pasta on it and poor tomato meatball sauce on it. A foil on that and in the oven on approximate 180* for about 45-50 minutes.

Then you take it out and poor a handful grated Parmesan and put it back in the oven WITHOUT the foil. Take it out after 10-15 minutes. Let it rest and then serve!!

Do try it because it's really tasty!

Much Love, Nazanin!
First you make your tomato sauce.
I made alots of ziti, so if you want you can just half the recipe and it will be good for about 3-4 people.
Heat up the olive oil, put your garlic in it until it gets golden. Then in with 2 tablespoons of tomato purée. After 3-4 minutes 2 cans of tin tomato (krossad tomatburk), red wine, salt, pepper, sugar and basil (if you like). This should cook on low heat for at least one hour, LOW temperature.
Then you fry your meatballs. Homemade, you can also buy fresh raw meatballs. I used about 800 gram meatballs

Then put the meatballs in the tomato sauce and let it cook for about an hour. Low temperature!

You can use different pasta, like penne, ziti or what ever. That shape! We used Sedani from the brand Zeta. I used 2 boxes

Boil in in salty water with olive oil. Drain it when it's very aldente.

Then you mix a little more than half of the pasta with half of the tomato meatball sauce and about a hand full of grated Parmesan.

In with it in a oven form, then you take ricotta and grated mozzarella and poor on the pasta meatball in the oven form.

After that you put pasta on it and poor tomato meatball sauce on it. A foil on that and in the oven on approximate 180* for about 45-50 minutes.

Then you take it out and poor a handful grated Parmesan and put it back in the oven WITHOUT the foil. Take it out after 10-15 minutes. Let it rest and then serve!!

Do try it because it's really tasty!

Much Love, Nazanin!
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